About B&C

A brand built with one goal in mind: To bring the B&C lifestyle to the course. To capture that feeling when you flush a long iron or drain that 7-footer for par. All while hanging out with your favourite people.


Have you ever wondered, “Am I obsessed with golf?”  Well, you’re not alone. We’re childhood friends, Brett and Connor, and we entered 2020 like most of us: playing copious amounts of golf during the pandemic and spending too much money on new golf equipment.

Then one day, after (several) patio beers, we started thinking about why there wasn’t a local, fun golf brand in Vancouver that captured the feeling they had on the course with our buddies.

It was in that slightly inebriated, highly vulnerable moment that B&C was born.

B&C has several meanings but is rooted in relationships and community. For one, the golf group we typically play with includes ourselves, obviously, along with Brandon, Brendan, Brett (yes, another one), and Connor (*sigh* - yes, another one). B&C, in this instance, represents the relationships we’ve built on and off the course.

B&C was also born in British Columbia, which means a lot to us. Being B.C. kids and having a brand that could plant its flag as a local landmark that was actually local was essential.

We’re exactly who you’d expect: local guys playing local courses while having a ton of fun. We hope that however you interact with B&C—whether with our gloves, the podcast, or just here swinging by—you know your connection with us is appreciated. We want to thank you for being a part of this journey, so hit us up if you have questions, comments, or want to leave some swing tips for Brett (he desperately needs them).


Golf is a sport built on the foundation of relationship and class, and B&C hopes to bring that to your game. Cheers.